Thursday, February 6, 2014

A ReIntroduction

Welcome back, patient readers! Thanks very much for returning after such a long hiatus.

I had an exciting but difficult summer, which lead to inner-ear surgery in October. With the help of colleagues, the department, and a great husband/nurse, I was able to finish off the fall semester and get some rest.

Here's what's happening this term:
1) I'm teaching my first literature course: Introduction to Drama. After an inauspicious start the class has turned itself around, and I'm beginning to regain my confidence.
2) I'm taking my first of three courses for a certificate in the Digital Humanities. Taught by the impressively experienced and endlessly patient Dan Anderson and Joe Viscomi, Digital Editing and Curation has been quite an eye-opener.
3) Research for my dissertation on ships in Anglo-Saxon literature has begun more slowly than I'd like, but that's because of a fourth development:
4) We're expecting our first baby in late June (surprise!)

So, do check back here for (at least) monthly writings about teaching drama, digital projects, early medieval ships, and an occasional reflection on pregnancy in academia.

Until soon, wishing you all warmth and wellness.