Thursday, June 7, 2012

A powerful map

Guess what? I just found a map of animal shelters in NC who use gas chambers. It also provides links, so you can search for your new bff. Aren't maps amazing? Here's the link to: ncgasshelters
and here's a screenshot of the map:

For more information on gas chamber use, legislation, and statistics, see
No horrifying pictures, no ridiculous comments, no guilt trips, no hyperbolic "THIS ANIMAL WILL DIE UNLESS YOU DO SOMETHING NOW!!!!!!!!" nonsense. Just the facts, folks.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

On encouragement

Dear readers-- thanks for your feedback via text, email, and facebook. Keep it coming, and remember that there's also a discussion forum on the blog (if you're so inclined)

Today I thought I'd write a quick post on the power of positive remembering. More than just positive thinking, recalling good moments of my recent past helps me refocus on the benefits and blessings of my present. I'm even using a really cool app to help: grateful160. It sends a text message once a day to ask what you're thankful for. In a text of 160 or fewer characters, you reply. At the end of the week you get a synopsis of your week measured in gratitude. For someone who has a tendency to fall into self-destructive, isolating melancholy, I find this an important tool in my fight against won't-leave-the-house-or-be-productive depressive moments.

I've also been keeping busy with appointments and house-updating. Terminix, a consignment store, and flooring people all came yesterday. Even though I'm behind on my reading, I find myself better prepared to fight the "I can't ever do this" feeling with the knowledge that reading is my primary, but not only, commitment.

And speaking of consignment stores, check out our new space!
Notice that big, beautiful couch is gone? Yep. I'll be posting updates about this room as the summer continues; I'm so looking forward to its progression!

And here are some photos of the new front yard (subject of my last post on yard work):
New pine straw, new mailbox plot, new mailbox plant (named Cliff-- get it?)

We also changed out the plants by our porch. A plot that once hosted two large but scraggly roses (who, I admit, look quite lovely for about two weeks of the year) and a few random bushes is now home to four promising shrubs. Most importantly, we've covered up most of the giant, black, plastic drain pipe. Hooray.

Another part of my self-encouragement strategy is to invest time in projects whose return is both quick and lasting. I love, love the new yard. I am constantly excited about the new TV room. Writing down what I've read for exams on a "hall of fame" board makes me feel more productive than crossing off something from a baffling, four-page reading list. I do something everyday that helps me (grocery store, allergy shots, dry cleaners). I reach out to friends and schedule get-togethers in advance. I'm keeping busy, and even on days when I oversleep (ahem), having so much else to do me keeps me afloat. I'll have to remember that on days that get really difficult.

Until next time, wishing everyone fond memories of projects past.